What to expect
Prior to your appointment, please ensure that you have a list of your medications and bring this with you on the day of your procedure.
We also request that you notify us if your weight is over the BMI score of 30 to ensure that your care is as safe with us as possible and that you are referred to a secondary care provider if required.
You will be asked to complete the medical history and health screening questionnaire 24-48 hours before your appointment. This will be sent to you by an email link and once complete will automatically be saved to your record.
If you have any questions then please contact the specialist nurse on 07561631296 who will be happy to answer any queries that you may have.
When you arrive at the clinic please knock on the front door, to let us know that you have arrived, unfortunately our waiting room is limited due to Covid-19 restrictions. A member of staff will perform some pre surgery checks and ask you to either wait in the waiting room or if already occupied to wait in your car. You will then continue on to see the specialist either Catherine Sternberg or her colleague Samantha Cottam. Your medical details will be checked and the procedure explained in detail including completing a consent to treatment form.
After the procedure you will be advised about how to look your mouth while it heals and given a written information sheet to take home. Emergency problems are rare after Oral Surgery however there will be emergency contact numbers included on the information sheet should you need them. Depending on the nature of your procedure they may also give you a prescription.
All treatment will be carried out under LOCAL ANAESTHETIC so you will be able to drive home afterwards. Unless you have opted for Sedation in which case a prior assessment is carried out first before a second appointment is arranged for treatment under sedation.
Return to work – Most patients need to rest after surgery so you should not plan to return to work the same day.
If you have any concerns before your appointment then please contact the clinic by phone 07561631296 or email info@hoscc.co.uk, we know that many patients are anxious and we are here to look after you.